We can all do our part to reduce light and noise pollution from our homes and outdoor spaces. Below are some simple actions you can take that will be beneficial right away!

To reduce light pollution:

  1. Use only when needed: Do not use outdoor lighting for aesthetic reasons. Where possible instead of lighting, choose to use reflective paint or self-luminous markers for signs and steps. Unnecessary indoor lighting in empty rooms and office buildings should be turned off to prevent unnecessary leakage of interior light outside. Use timers and motion sensors so that lights are on only when needed.
  2. Brightness: LED lighting allows for reduced illuminance without compromising visibility, always use the least amount of light needed. Be aware some surfaces reflect more light into the sky than others.
  3. Bulb colour: Only warm-coloured bulbs (warm-white, yellow, amber lights) should be used, to aid night vision for people and animals. Avoid using blue and violet lights as it increases glare and compromises vision.
  4. Light shielding: Use outdoor light fixtures that shield the light beam to minimise glare and so that it doesn’t leak beyond where it is needed.
  5. Raise awareness: Encourage neighbours and local businesses to implement these actions especially to reduce glare and light leaking into your outdoor space.

To reduce noise pollution: 

  1. Insulate walls: Cavity and exterior wall insulation can help reduce the amount of sound that can pass through the walls as well as heat.
  2. Upgrade windows and doors: Solid wood doors and double or triple-glazed windows reduce noise passing through better than glass-panelled doors. Choosing heavyweight sound absorbing curtains can also soften noise.
  3. Install a solid barrier: A fence, wall or screening can buffer noise from your garden, home, park etc.
  4. Reduce boat speed: Both recreational and commercial boats in rivers, lakes and seas, the faster the boats go, the louder they get. Modern quieter propellers can also be installed on existing boats.
  5. More greenspaces: As well as being beneficial for people and wildlife, planting dense, native vegetation that extends down to the ground is a great noise absorbent, evergreen trees and plants can provide year-round protection.
  6. Raise awareness: Encourage neighbours and local businesses to implement these actions and be mindful of noise contributions from their activities, appliances and machines etc.

Through the combination of these actions our communities can contribute to effectively mitigate light and noise pollution to create quieter environments and natural darkness to benefit both people and wildlife.

Resource references and for more information on reducing light and noise pollution please visit: DarkSkyIUCN; DarkSky Resources; IUCN Urban Nature Indexes; Ocean Conservancy.