
AquaPLAN Visualisation Portal Online Workshop

Event Location: Online

Event Start: 09/12/2024

Event End: 09/12/2024

During this online workshop our AquaPLAN partners, Tim Smyth and Ben O’Driscoll from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PLM), will demonstrate the capabilities of the AquaPLAN visualisation portal which gives the ability to overlay data from artificial light at night (ALAN) above water, in water and shipping noise. They will also demonstrate the calculation of the combined risk as well as overlaying habitats. The demonstration will be interactive, with the opportunity for AquaPLAN partners to ask questions and direct the various aspects of the portal. The workshop will be recorded and the recording made available to project partners afterwards. There will also be a static version of the presentation made available.

Workshop time: 11:00 – 12:30 CET.

There will be another online workshop held later on 18 December 2024.

Please note this workshop is for AquaPLAN partners only. For more information please contact Tim Smyth

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