
Defra Underwater Noise Workshop

Event Location: Online

Event Start: 24/01/2025

Event End: 24/01/2025

The UK’s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are holding this Underwater Noise Workshop to share the policy direction with regard to underwater noise, supplying the latest information on their ongoing work, the evidence behind these decisions and a future work. The workshop will cover all aspects on noise but will particularly focus on piling decibel limits.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will be presenting on the legalities and consenting information while Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) will be providing updates on other projects such as the review of Effective Deterrence Ranges (EDRs).

Please note while originally scheduled to take place in the Defra Bristol Office, the workshop will now be held online.

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AquaPLAN participant the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) is an Executive Agency of Defra. CEFAS is a multidisciplinary scientific research and consultancy centre whose marine and freshwater science experts are helping to keep our seas, oceans and rivers healthy and productive and our seafood safe and sustainable by providing data and advice to the UK government and overseas partners such as the Environment Agency and the European Commission.

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