Modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity.
The MAMBO project will develop, test and implement enabling tools for monitoring conservation status and ecological requirements of species and habitats for which knowledge gaps still exist. Advancements in technology have evolved to an extent where it is now possible to identify organisms remotely from digital data such as images or sound. In particular, new tools in the realm of high spatial resolution remote sensing have the potential to greatly enrich traditional approaches of ecological monitoring. The status of biodiversity in Europe is generally below standard and many targets are not being met. This is why MAMBO’s work programme aims to provide the knowledge, tools and infrastructure for monitoring wildlife and their habitats more comprehensively. The project will develop novel monitoring tools that will enhance knowledge of the state of biodiversity in Europe. Through its demonstration sites, MAMBO will showcase the effectiveness and added value of its new technologies. Automating biodiversity monitoring is a more cost-efficient and rapid process that allows for upscaling. MAMBO has the potential to dramatically improve the ecological monitoring landscape in Europe and beyond and in that way, contribute to the aims of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.