
United Nations endorsing marine light pollution research initiative

As one of its new Ocean Decade Actions, the United Nations has endorsed the Global Ocean Artificial Light at Night Network (GOALANN) initiative to provide the science needed to better manage global artificial light emissions into the ocean. The GOALANN was conceived by world-leading experts and AquaPLAN participants, Dr Thomas Davies at the University of Plymouth (UOP) and Professor Tim Smyth at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).

First launched at the United Nations Ocean Decade Conference in April 2024, GOALANN aims to expand the impact of ecologists, oceanographers and social scientists who have spent more than a decade studying the impact of light pollution on the ocean, and the many species living in or near it. GOALANN is bringing together international research teams to offer a comprehensive repository of knowledge, initiatives, and resources related to marine light pollution.

Within AquaPLAN, UOP leads WP3 – Monitoring of Exposure of Biodiversity to Light and Noise Pollution (LNP) Combined Risks and PML leads WP5 – Assessment of Potential Mitigation Solutions.

Learn more about GOALANN.

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